Anaestheasier ltd.

Anaestheasier ltd.

Two anaesthetic registrars trying to make anaesthesia easier.

41 - 45 Pharmacology SBAs for the Primary FRCA

Question 41 You are cautiously administering IV salbutamol to a

Cranial Nerves

Just the bits you need to pass the exam. The


The name is synonymous with 'solid evidence' but

Airway Pressure Release Ventilation


Course Review - RSM HANA 2024


46 - 50 SBAs for the Final FRCA

Question 46 A 67 year old woman with COPD is

Trigeminal Neuralgia

Take home messages * Trigeminal neuralgia is the most common facial

Renal Autoregulation and GFR

Take home messages * Renal metabolic demand is determined by blood

OSCE Station #15 for the Primary

ECG interpretation

36 - 40 Physiology SBAs for the Primary FRCA

Question 36 A 23 year old woman known to suffer