Anaestheasier ltd.

Anaestheasier ltd.

Life as a locum registrar

Why I'm not applying to ST4.

31 - 35 Physiology SBAs for the Primary FRCA

Question 31 You are discussing with your consultant how to

26 - 30 Pharmacology SBAs for the Primary FRCA


Too much of a good thing

21 - 25 Physics SBAs for the Primary FRCA

Question 21 You have boldly suggested Gay-Lussac's gas

Anxiety is your Superpower

Harness your inner swan.

16 - 20 Physics SBAs for the Primary FRCA

Question 16 With regards to electricity, which of the following

Liver disease

How to anaesthetise hepatic disease

OSCE station #5 for the Primary

Equipment station

Clearance and Elimination

Take home messages * Clearance is the volume of plasma completely