31 - 35 Pharmacology SBAs for the Primary FRCA

31 - 35 Pharmacology SBAs for the Primary FRCA
Photo by Unseen Studio / Unsplash

Question 31

You're feeling pretty pleased with yourself for correctly answering your consultant's question on how metaraminol works, when she starts asking about adrenoceptors in other organs.

Which of the following is false?

  • Beta-2 receptor stimulation in the liver increases glycogenesis
  • Beta-1 receptor stimulation in the juxtaglomerular apparatus increases renin secretion
  • GI alpha-1 receptor stimulation leads to sphincter contraction
  • Alpha-2 receptor stimulation will encourage platelet aggregation
  • Alpha-1 stimulation in the pancreas will inhibit insulin and glucagon secretion


  • Beta-2 receptor stimulation in the liver increases glycogenesis

Beta-2 receptor stimulation in the liver increases glycogenolysis to increase blood glucose concentration.

All of the others are true.

Metaraminol stimulates vascular alpha-1 receptors, making it a pure vasopressor.