Final FRCA

Obesity and Anaesthesia

Considerations for high BMI patients

Caudal Anaesthesia

A commonly examined paediatric block for analgesia or anaesthesia.

Acute Intermittent Porphyria

The anaesthetic implications of a complex haematological condition

Pyloric Stenosis

How to anaesthetise for pyloromyotomy.

Antiemetics and PONV

How to beat post-operative nausea and vomiting


Perioperative anaphylaxis

Malignant Hyperthermia

What to do with this terrifying hyperpyrexia.


Accidental Awareness under General Anaesthesia

Anaestheasier's CRQ Top Tips

Our best tips for nailing a very difficult exam

Airway Stenting

What you need to know for the FRCA