
Life as a locum registrar

Why I'm not applying to ST4.

Anxiety is your Superpower

Harness your inner swan.

I've had a complaint

Chill, it's going to be okay.

Everything I wish I knew before starting Anaesthetics Training

Every question we've been asked, answered.

My first week as an Anaesthesia Associate Trainee

Find out what it's like learning to be an AA!

Is anaesthetics for me?

What they don't tell you at medical school

Top Tips for a productive Taster week in Anaesthesia

How to get the most out of your week in theatres.

A Day in the life of a trainee anaesthetist on-call

Ever wondered what we really get up to?

ST4 Interview Questions

Our list of common high yield interview questions.

Careers in Anaesthesia

Is it for you?