Beta blocker overdose

Beta blocker overdose
Photo by danilo.alvesd / Unsplash

Take home messages

  • ABCDE and opening ToxBase is all you really need to know
  • The clinical presentation is bradycardia, hypotension and shock
  • Pay particular attention to sotalol and propranolol

The solution to pollution is dilution

Let's be honest, the vast majority of toxicology is ABCDE, fluids and supportive care.

Occasionally there's an antidote.

Can you name any specific antidotes?

  • Benzodiazepines - Flumazenil
  • Ethylene glycol and methanol - Fomepizole and ethanol 10% IV
  • Organophosphates - Atropine
  • Warfarin - Factor II, VII, IX, X concentrate
  • Cyanide - Dicobalt edetate and hydroxycobalamin
  • Digoxin - Digibind
  • β-Blockers - Glucagon
  • Methaemoglobinaemia - Methylene blue
  • Paracetamol - N-acetylcysteine
  • Opioids - Naloxone

But for beta blockers, there isn't, so guess what - it's supportive care.

Things to watch out for

  • Mixed overdose
  • Interaction with other medications (especially antihypertensives)
  • Elderly patients
  • Cardiovascularly frail patients
  • Sotalol and Propranolol are the most lethal beta blockers in overdose

Every patient suspected of having taken an overdose needs a paracetamol level checking.

What actually happens

Your patient intentionally or accidentally takes an enormous quantity of beta blocker.

  • These start blocking β1 and β2 receptors with varying avidity and selectivity
  • Reduced intracellular cAMP production in a variety of target tissues, particularly the heart
  • Reduced calcium movement into cardiac myocytes, as well as other muscles
  • This therefore has the opposite effect of the body's own catecholamines, dropping blood pressure by reducing force of contraction (inotropy) and heart rate (chronotropy) by slowing down the conduction speed of the conducting pathways (dromotropy)
  • If left unchecked this leads to cardiogenic shock and heart failure

What receptors are where?

These are Gs category G-protein coupled receptors.


  • Heart
  • Kidneys


  • Lungs
  • Muscle
  • Blood vessels

It depends a bit on the drug itself

Beta blockers have different affinity for each type of beta receptor, and so the clinical presentation will depend a bit on which drug they've taken:

  • Cardioselective agents will cause profound bradycardia and hypotension
  • Fat soluble drugs (propranolol) cause CNS symptoms
  • Peripheral vasodilators will mainly cause hypotension

Why is propranolol special?

  • Causes blockade of sodium channels
  • The QRS widens and there's a risk of ventricular arrhythmia
  • It also crosses the blood brain barrier with direct toxic effects on the brain and spinal cord

Why is sotalol special?

  • Causes blockade of potassium efflux
  • This prolongs the QT and risks Torsades de pointes
  • Often presents in asystole
  • Can have delayed effects up to 24 hours after ingestion

Tell me stuff I don't need to know


  • Sotalol comes as a racemate of the l-isomer and d-isomer
  • The l-sotalol is the beta blocker, and not a very selective one at that
  • The d-sotalol is a class III antiarrhythmic (potassium) and is responsible for the Torsades bit by blocking the delayed rectifier channel that permits timely repolarisation of the myocardium

Pharmacokinetics and dynamics

Let's assume - fairly reasonably one would hope - that the overdose is oral, and the patient hasn't ground up their blood pressure meds and injected them IV/PR/intra-ocularly* for some reason.

  • Gastric absorption depends on the formulation (MR vs IR) but is generally fairly quick
  • Peak blood concentration usually around 2 - 3 hours after ingestion
  • Elimination half lives are vary variable

*I have seen all three of these.


Gets its own box because it's the most dangerous agent, largely because of its ability to cross the blood brain barrier, and its propensity to block sodium channels as well.

It's also one of the most commonly overdosed beta blockers.

  • More than 1 or 2 grams is bad news
  • Toxic effects will generally be seen within six hours

What it looks like

  • Hypotension
  • Bradycardia
  • AV block
  • PR prolongation
  • Heart failure
  • Cardiac arrest
  • Bronchospasm
  • Hypoglycaemia - reduced gluconeogenesis
  • Hyperkalaemia - reduced insulin
  • Drowsy or coma

Sometimes propranolol can look like a sodium channel blocker, because it is.

  • Wide QRS
  • Arrhythmias
  • Seizures - directly enters the CNS and lowers seizure threshold

What to do

It's not particularly tricky really.

All of toxicology is ABCDE and ToxBase

Consider activated charcoal if you're looking at the patient within 2 hours of ingestion. You can even cleanse the whole gut with polyethylene glycol if you think they've taken loads of slow-release formulation and you reckon you can flush it out that way.


  • As you would normally - if they can't protect their own airway, do it for them
  • If you take enough of anything you can drop your GCS low enough to need a tube
  • If you can safely avoid a tube, it allows you to monitor their neurological status more effectively
  • Be cautious when intubating - these patients are cardiovascularly delicate


  • If they have inadequate ventilatory effort - do it for them

err... that's it really


  • IV access
  • Fluid bolus (unless in frank pulmonary oedema)

For bradycardia:

  • Atropine (most likely won't do much)
  • Adrenaline 10-20 mcg bolus +/- infusion
  • Isoprenaline up to 10 mcg/min infusion*
  • Pacing - transcutaneous or temporary wire

For hypotension

  • Fluid bolus
  • Adrenaline as above if hypotensive and bradycardic
  • Noradrenaline if primarily vasoplegic
  • Insulin and dextrose (see below)
  • Calcium as an inotrope

For Torsades

  • Magnesium 10 mmol IV over 15 - 20 minutes
  • Isoprenaline or pacing to maintain heart rate above 100

For QRS broadening and ventricular arrhythmias

  • Sodium bicarbonate 2 mmol/kg IV
  • Consider lidocaine
  • Do not give amiodarone

Do an ECHO to determine whether the main issue is pump failure or vasodilatation and hypovolaemic shock.

*It's helpful to know what agent was ingested here - if they've had a load of selective B1 blocker, then giving isoprenaline (B2 agonist) for bradycardia is likely to worsen hypotension

ECMO is always there as a last resort.

Specific treatments

The reflex answer of any savvy exam candidate when asked about beta blocker overdose is 'glucagon', however it's not quite as clear cut as the mark schemes may lead you to believe.

Glucagon is contraversial.

It's still worth mentioning in an exam however.

The truth about glucagon

We don't really know if it does anything useful, but the theory goes as follows:

  • Glucagon triggers adenylate cyclase
  • This increases cAMP production in cardiac myocytes
  • This is essentially the same as activating all the blocked beta receptors
  • Hey presto your heart rate, hypotension and lack of gluconeogenesis all magically improve

You give it as an infusion of up to 10 mg/hour IV.

High dose insulin euglycaemic therapy

This is becoming increasingly popular but we don't really know how it works.

  • Insulin is a positive inotrope when you give lots of it, probably via its downstream effects on calcium
  • It also helps supply sugar to the unhappy cardiac myocytes
  • It sensitises everything to catecholamines
  • It induces a bit of vasodilatation to help myocardial oxygen supply

The dose is anywhere from 0.5 to 10 unit/kg/hr.

How to do it:

  • Bolus of 1 unit per kilogram IV
  • If blood sugar <11 mmol/L then give 25g IV glucose at the same time
  • Start IV infusion of 0.5 - 1 units/kg/hour
  • Increase by 0.5 every 15 minutes until satisfactory response
  • At the same time give 0.5 mg/kg/h glucose IV (10-20%) and titrate to keep blood sugar between 6 and 12 mmol/L

Monitor sodium, potassium, acid-base balance and glucose every 15 - 30 minutes until adequate response.

Useful Tweets and Resources

Here's our post on BRASH syndrome

BRASH Syndrome
Not a lot of people have heard of BRASH syndrome, as it’s really only been recognised as it’s own thing in the last three or four years, so we decided to do a little post on it here, with the key bits you need to know. Sound familiar? An elderly

References and Further Reading

Pharmacology, Pathophysiology and Management of Calcium Channel Blocker and β-Blocker Toxicity - Toxicological Reviews
Calcium channel blockers (CCB) and β-blockers (BB) account for approximately 40% of cardiovascular drug exposures reported to the American Association of Poison Centers. However, these drugs represent >65% of deaths from cardiovascular medications. Yet, caring for patients poisoned with these medications can be extremely difficult. Severely poisoned patients may have profound bradycardia and hypotension that is refractory to standard medications used for circulatory support.Calcium plays a pivotal role in cardiovascular function. The flow of calcium across cell membranes is necessary for cardiac automaticity, conduction and contraction, as well as maintenance of vascular tone. Through differing mechanisms, CCB and BB interfere with calcium fluxes across cell membranes. CCB directly block calcium flow through L-type calcium channels found in the heart, vasculature and pancreas, whereas BB decrease calcium flow by modifying the channels via second messenger systems. Interruption of calcium fluxes leads to decreased intracellular calcium producing cardiovascular dysfunction that, in the most severe situations, results in cardiovascular collapse.Although, CCB and BB have different mechanisms of action, their physiological and toxic effects are similar. However, differences exist between these drug classes and between drugs in each class. Diltiazem and especially verapamil tend to produce the most hypotension, bradycardia, conduction disturbances and deaths of the CCB. Nifedipine and other dihydropyridines are generally less lethal and tend to produce sinus tachycardia instead of bradycardia with fewer conduction disturbances.BB have a wider array of properties influencing their toxicity compared with CCB. BB possessing membrane stabilising activity are associated with the largest proportion of fatalities from BB overdose. Sotalol overdoses, in addition to bradycardia and hypotension, can cause torsade de pointes. Although BB and CCB poisoning can present in a similar fashion with hypotension and bradycardia, CCB toxicity is often associated with significant hyperglycaemia and acidosis because of complex metabolic derangements related to these medications.Despite differences, treatment of poisoning is nearly identical for BB and CCB, with some additional considerations given to specific BB. Initial management of critically ill patients consists of supporting airway, breathing and circulation. However, maintenance of adequate circulation in poisoned patients often requires a multitude of simultaneous therapies including intravenous fluids, vasopressors, calcium, glucagon, phosphodiesterase inhibitors, high-dose insulin, a relatively new therapy, and mechanical devices. This article provides a detailed review of the pharmacology, pathophysiology, clinical presentation and treatment strategies for CCB and BB overdoses.
Beta-Blocker Overdose
Updated 2nd July 2024 OVERVIEW TOXICODYNAMICS TOXICOKINETICS RISK ASSESSMENT Onset Propanolol Patient factors General clinical features Propanolol (“sodium channel blocker masquerading as a beta blocker”) Sotalol MANAGEMENT Resuscitation Supportive care and monitoring Investigations Decontamination Enhance elimination Antidotes Disposition CONTROVERSIES References and Links LITFL Journals FOAM and web resources
Calcium channel blockers and beta-blockers toxicity/poisoning are one of the most common causes of poisoning. More importantly, they are among the deadliest types of poisoning caused by cardiac drugs that emergency physicians can encounter. Common…
Calcium Channel Blocker (CCB) & Beta-Blocker (BBl) overdose
CONTENTS Clinical presentation Differential diagnosis & evaluation Tier-1 therapies Decontamination Airway control & vascular access Basic hemodynamic interventions Glucagon or milrinone IV calcium Atropine Hyperinsulinemic euglycemia Tier-2 therapies Methylene blue ECMO Hemodialysis Transvenous pacemaker Intralipid Other issues that may require treatment Hypoglycemia Sodium channel blockade Potassium channel blockade Podcast Questions & discussion Pitfalls general Onset […]

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