Anaestheasier ltd.

Anaestheasier ltd.

Two anaesthetic registrars trying to make anaesthesia easier.

Sickle cell in obstetrics

Take home messages * Acute chest syndrome is potentially life threatening

Epiglottitis and DKA - a case discussion

Roc and a hard place

46 - 50 Pharmacology SBAs for the Primary FRCA

Question 46 You have calculated the APFEL score for your

HME Filters

Heat and Moisture Exchange

Course review - South Coast Intensive Primary (SCIP) Course


Just a little something for you

Acute Pancreatitis

Take home messages * Treatment is supportive * Do not give prophylactic

41 - 45 Physiology SBAs for the Primary FRCA

Question 41 You've just placed a Venturi mask

Rapid Summary - October 2024

SVT and Tachyarrhythmias

Take home messages * Shock needs a shock * Be vary cautious