Anaestheasier ltd.

Anaestheasier ltd.

Two anaesthetic registrars trying to make anaesthesia easier.

Thyroid and Parathyroid Surgery

Take home messages * You can use either but TIVA is

Short case #2 for the Final FRCA

Coeliac plexus block

Hyponatraemia on ICU

Take home messages * Look at urine sodium, and paired osmolalities

OSCE Station #14 for the Primary

Communication station

New DAS C-spine guidelines

OSCE Station #13 for the Primary

A practical skills station.

Short Case #1 for the Final FRCA

Long case #1 for the Final SOE

Information for the candidate A 63 year old woman is

OSCE station #12 for the Primary

Subarachnoid Haemorrhage

Take home messages * 5% of strokes are due to SAH