Anaestheasier ltd.

Anaestheasier ltd.

Two anaesthetic registrars trying to make anaesthesia easier.

Head Trauma

Take home messages * You're trying to prevent secondary

Rapid Summary - December 2024

Ophthalmic anaesthesia

Everything you need to know about anaesthetising eyes

Methaemoglobinaemia - a case discussion

The Chocolate Blood Crisis

pH-stat and alpha-stat

I don't want to read this whole post,

Retrograde tracheal intubation

Ever wanted to combine a Tuohy needle and an airway

46 - 50 Physiology SBAs for the Primary FRCA

Question 46 You have just anaesthetised a patient for incision

Pseudosubarachnoid Haemorrhage - a case discussion

A different kind of headache

Potassium in the Kidney

Double lumen tubes