About us

We are two anaesthetic trainees working in the NHS in the United Kingdom, who share a passion for teaching, writing and web design, so we decided to join forces to produce Anaestheasier.com
We wanted to produce a really valuable, easy to use website for anyone training or interested in anaesthetics, full of beautiful learning resources, social media links and networking opportunities.
Our Directors

James is a UK-based dual Higher Specialty Trainee in Anaesthetics & Intensive Care Medicine and his main interests are in Medical Education, Digital Design and, of course, Critical Care.
James founded Anaestheasier in Summer of 2020 while studying for his FRCA Primary; since then, it has been incredible to be a part of its development in partnership with Will, without whose vision and expertise, Anaestheasier would not be the much-loved and diversified resource it is today.

Will studied medicine at the University of Cambridge and completed his clinical studies at Guy’s, King’s and St Thomas’ School of Medicine in London.
After two foundation years in Chichester, he spent a year as a Junior Clinical Fellow on Intensive Care in Ashford, Kent, before starting his anaesthetic training.
Having completed core training, he works as a locum anaesthetic registrar in the South of England.
He is the author of the book series “Surviving Medicine” and the cartoon blog UnicycleMedic.
He brought his enthusiasm and experience to Anaestheasier in 2021.
Apart from teaching, his main interests are in Critical Care, Prehospital Medicine, and entrepreneurship.
The Voice of Anaestheasier
You may have come across our podcast (tap the image below).

If so, then the fabulous voice you're hearing is that of Dr Clarke, anaesthetic registrar in Kent and London, who has dutifully spent many hours at the microphone helping us build our podcast.

If you're keen to get involved with our podcast, pop us an email at anaestheasier@gmail.com.